divendres, 17 de febrer del 2012


Scribd is a Web 2.0 based document-sharing website which allows users to post documents of various formats, and embed them into a web page using its iPaper format. Scribd was founded by Trip Adler, Tikhon Bernstam, and Jared Friedman in 2006. Scribd's major competitors are Docstoc, edocr, WePapers, and Issuu.

www.scribd.com (My account in Scribd is acp1496)

See this interesting article found in Scribd:Letter to IRS on Campaign Finance

Here is a tutorial about how to use Scribd:


Delicious is a social bookmarking web service for storing, sharing, and discovering web bookmarks. The site was founded by Joshua Schachter in 2003 and acquired byYahoo! in 2005. By the end of 2008, the service claimed more than 5.3 million users and 180 million unique bookmarked URLs. It is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California.

www.delicious.com (My account in Delicious is acp1496)

Here is a tutorial about how to use Delicious:


SlideShare is a Web 2.0 based slide hosting service. Users can upload files privately or publicly in the following file formats: PowerPoint, PDF, Keynote or OpenOffice presentations.Slide decks can then be viewed on the site itself, on hand held devices or embedded on other sites. Launched on October 4, 2006, the website is considered to be similar to YouTube, but for slideshows. The website was originally meant to be used for businesses to share slides among employees more easily, but it has since expanded to also become a host of a large number of slides which are uploaded merely to entertain. Although the website is primarily a slide hosting service, it also supports documents, PDFs, videos and webinars. SlideShare also provides users the ability to rate, comment on, and share the uploaded content. The current list of SlideShare's investors includesVenrock, David Siminoff and Dev Khare.

www.slideshare.net (My account in SlideShare is acp1496)

Here you can see an interesting document about cars:

Cool Cars

Here is a tutorial about how to use the tool:

dimarts, 14 de febrer del 2012


Dropbox is a file hosting service in the cloud platform, operated by the company Dropbox. The service allows users to store and sync files online and between computers and share files and folders with others. There are free and paid versions, each of which withvarious options.

www.dropbox.com (My account in Dropbox is albert.1@hotmail.es)

Here is a tutorial about how to use Dropbox:


Prezi is a cloud-based (SaaS) presentation software and storytelling tool for exploring and sharing ideas upon a virtual canvas. Prezi is distinguished by its Zooming User Interface (ZUI), which enables users to zoom in and out of their presentation media. Prezi allows users to display and navigate through information within a 2.5D space on the Z-axis.

www.prezi.com (My account in Prezi is Albert Chumilla)

Here is a document on Prezi made me:

Here is a tutorial about how to use Prezi:


Twitter is an online social networking service and microblogging service that enables its users to send and read text-based posts of up to 140 characters, known as "tweets". It was created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey and launched that July. The service rapidly gained worldwide popularity, with over 300 million users as of 2011, generating over 300 million tweets and handling over 1.6 billion search queries per day. It has been described as "the SMS of the Internet.

www.twitter.com (My account is Twitter is @AlbertChumilla)

Here is a tutorial on how tu use Twitter: